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When Adriano Was Unstoppable on PES 6

I always loved Adriano, and I also loved video games. So seeing the two come together so beautifully on PES 6 made me the most insufferable kid you could ever hope to meet.

‘Do you wanna play PES?’, my unassuming friend would say.

‘Bagsy Inter Milan’, would be my reply.

Known for his thunderous left foot and powerful physique, the man became the stuff of legends in the gaming community, leaving opponents trembling at the mere sight of his name on the team sheet. And looking at his stats, it’s very easy to see why.

Blessed with towering height, impressive strength, and blistering pace, he was a nightmare for defenders to contain. Whether he was muscling past defenders in one-on-one duels or outpacing them on the break, Adriano’s physical attributes made him a force to be reckoned with in every match.

Remember, this was back in the era when Adriano was at Inter.

Tearing things up left, right and centre (IRL) in the Serie A and European competitions. All PES did was realistically reflect just how good the young Brazilian was during this stage of his life.

Adriano’s left foot was a weapon of mass destruction in PES 6, capable of unleashing thunderous shots from virtually anywhere on the pitch. With his devastating long-range shooting ability and pinpoint accuracy, Adriano struck fear into the hearts of goalkeepers and defenders alike.

Whether he was rifling in shots from outside the box or caressing efforts into the back of the net, Adriano’s left foot was a constant menace that few could hope to contain.

Shot Power: 99 and Shot Accuracy: 89. Enough said, to be honest!

Adriano’s aerial prowess was another key aspect of his dominance in PES 6.

Standing tall at 6’2″, He was virtually unstoppable in the air, winning headers with ease and directing them towards goal with pinpoint precision. His balance was also ridiculous – again rated at 99!

As we explored in a previous article on Why we all love PES 6, the game wasn’t really developed for skill moves or tiki take play, it was purely about who was quicker, more agile, more powerful and focused on sticking the ball in the back of the net.

That’s why I’ve piggy-backed off of that article to write one specifically about Adriano on PES 6, whose dominance in that virtual realm marks him as one of the biggest gaming cult heroes of all time.

Did you ever use Adriano on PES 6?