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Royston Drenthe: FM 08’s Next Big Thing

If you’re the kind of person that can sit there rattling off old-school footballer’s names like Royston Drenthe, then there are a couple of things I want to say to you.

Firstly, you should really check out The Football Game Co, as I think you’ll enjoy it.

Secondly, meet me in a bar or something so we can play it together!

As I’ve mentioned before a few times on Hobby FC, Football Manager 2008 is one of my favourite editions of the game for multiple reasons. Not least for the iconic change in colour palette (which is still largely being used today) and for the ungodly amount of hems you can pull from this thing.

Almost chief among which, was the man who apparently burst onto the scene to lead a new generation of Dutch starlets into the realms of the world from whence they’d fallen.

A stocky, powerful, forward-thinking wing-back by the name of: Royston Drenthe.

A prodigy who possessed a unique blend of speed, dribbling ability, and versatility that made him a formidable force in the game. His natural athleticism and flair for the dramatic made him an invaluable asset for any manager looking to dominate the flanks and unlock opposition defenses.

He was spotted by then-Real Madrid manager Bernd Schuster, who enticed the board to fork out around €14 million for his signature after having found out about him (like the rest of the world did) at that summer’s Euro U21 Championships. Which didn’t half help his FM 08 stats, let me tell you!

What set Drenthe apart in Football Manager 2008 was his remarkable potential.

Despite being relatively unknown in the real world, the game recognized his latent talent, offering players the opportunity to mould him into a world-class player, provided he got the crucial game time he required to realise it. With the right guidance and development, Drenthe could evolve into a true superstar, capable of dominating matches and bringing glory to his club.

Needless to say, he did exactly that under my guidance as manager of Wolverhampton Wanderers. I remember we won the Premier League together in 2012. Such wonderful memories.

One of Drenthe’s standout attributes in the game was his blistering pace and physicality. His ability to outpace defenders and surge down the wing was a potent weapon for any manager employing an attacking style of play. Whether it was delivering pinpoint crosses into the box or cutting inside to unleash a thunderous shot on goal, Drenthe was a constant threat whenever he had the ball.

Especially on a version of the game which wasn’t as sophisticated to point out his defensive limitations when playing in such a gung-ho fashion.

Furthermore, Royston Drenthe’s versatility was a manager’s dream. While primarily deployed as a winger, his skill set allowed him to excel in multiple positions across the pitch.

Whether deployed as a wingback, attacking midfielder, or even a forward, Drenthe consistently delivered standout performances, adapting to whatever role his manager required of him.

It’s not uncommon for football management simulations to spotlight lesser-known players whose virtual performances far exceed their real-world accomplishments, as we’ve seen with the likes of Freddy Adu as the classic example – which we wrote about here not too long before this.

Much like Adu, while Royston Drenthe’s career may have taken various twists and turns in reality, in the virtual world of FM, he remains a legend—a player whose talent and potential knew no bounds.

Did you ever purchase Royston Drenthe for your FM 08 save?