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Top 5 Best Football Docuseries to Watch

If you know me for even a second, you’ll soon learn about my love of a good football docuseries, and believe me when I say that I’ve seen them all. Most of them, way more than once.

That being said, I’m yet to add that new Newcastle United one to my belt, so once that’s done, maybe we can revisit this ‘best football docuseries’ argument in the Hobby FC documentary archive.

The Best Football Docuseries for 2023/24

It’s difficult writing lists like these, because it’s all about personal preference.

For me, I love a good ‘fly on the wall‘-type football docuseries where it almost feels like the viewer is eavesdropping on privileged conversations to reveal a picture that had never been taken before.

You’ll find a couple of those in this list, but I’ve also made some space for the ones that clearly have some big bucks behind them – hence their alignment to some of the major broadcasters and/or streaming platforms to tell a particular story in a very particular way.

In short, one thing of which I’m certain is that you’re going to find something in this football docuseries list, is that there’s going to be one or more that you’re going to love almost as much as I did.

All or Nothing (Amazon Prime)

Now, there are a few you can choose from here.

You’ve got: Arsenal, Spurs, Man City, Juventus, Brazil and Germany.

Having seen every single one and putting my obvious bias against Manchester City aside, I think you can stick with the first two if you’re aiming to be more entertained than informed.

Seeing a team like City reach new heights and get even better doesn’t strike me as more fun than watching Jose Mourinho trying to steer the Tottenham Hotspur ship from cap-sizing altogether. Pair that with his meetings with Dele Alli and Danny Rose, and it’s just a brilliant watch.

All that remaining as it is, I do have a soft-spot for the Arsenal version of this football docuseries. Mainly because I find the situation with Mikel Arteta so darn captivating.

His unconventionally personal style of leadership in modern-day football has clearly had its desired effect, with Arsenal having scaled the heights of nearly-champions in the 2022/23 season. But now, with hopes restored of going one further, the series is a nice preamble for a year to remember.

Sunderland ‘TIl I Die (Netflix)

This is just pure entertainment… unless you’re a Sunderland AFC fan. Obviously.

Unfortunately joining a special list of clubs to have been relegated twice, the first season focuses on that double-fall and the next on their journey towards ascension at the first attempt – at least, that was the intention of the new ownership team steering the Black Cats forward.

Now, I don’t want to ruin anything for you if you haven’t seen it already, but let’s just say that there are multiple storylines permeating both seasons – each more pungent than the last.

From an insightful and brave insight into the world of mental health from a player’s perspective, to the duplicitous nature of the agents that control the game, it’s a football docuseries everybody needs.

Things appear to be getting better for Sunderland now, which is welcome for a club of their size. So maybe even die-hard fans can look back and enjoy a period that is (hopefully) long behind them.

No date has been set for Season 3 of Sunderland ‘Til I Die as of yet, but at least it’s in the works!

Take Me Home: Leeds United (Amazon Prime)

This one is worth watching for one particular saga alone. Actually, two.

The first being a look inside the infamous Daniel James non-transfer to Leeds in January 2019. Where a deal looked all set to be signed for a modest move from Swansea with everything else agreed.

Everything, that is, but for the signature of the Swansea big-wigs. Who quickly reneged on the deal and left James out in the lurch despite taking his PR pictures as a new Leeds player. Seeing this all play out from behind the scenes at Elland Road is one of the most brilliant things I’ve ever seen.

Next, you have the ‘Spygate‘ scandal – perpetuated by then-manager Marcelo Bielsa for allegedly ‘spying’ on a tactics session for forthcoming opponents, Derby County.

Well, not alleged really – he did admit it. But he then followed up with a lengthy presentation to reporters relating to the depth of his alternative research in a bid to ‘clear his name’ from any legal impropriety. There’s one way to deal with a scandal – bore them until it goes away.

Welcome to Wrexham (Disney Plus)

The Wrexham football docuseries is in a league of its own – it’s nothing like any of the others.

Fitting really – given that its origin stories aren’t like any of the others, either.

As you must be well aware of by now, Wrexham AFC were acquired by Hollywood stars Rob McElhenny and Ryan Reynolds – reasons still almost completely baffling, so much that it had to be true.

Like a story outside a Football Manager player’s dream, the two have paired up with the dream of taking Wrexham to new heights, and the football docuseries represents this brilliant. But not without putting a new style of comedy and personality to what’s an otherwise incredulous story.

Instead of presenting themselves as something they’re not, the co-owners aren’t afraid to poke a little fun of themselves – especially in relation to them learning about the club, the area, the country, the language or even the sport altogether.

And once you get past the fact that they have a lot to learn, it’s actually quite endearing to see them give their all for a cause that many thought they wouldn’t take seriously. Given the events of last season, I’m personally hoping that a season two graces our screens soon.

Which it does worldwide on September 13th! Another result!

Salford City: Out of Their League / Full Time (Sky)

I’ve seen this about 6 times. All the way through. No, I’m not joking.

Being a Manchester United fan myself – click here for more in the Hobby FC Manchester United collection, by the way – it was great to hear about the latest test for the Class of ’92.

The task was simple, if not founded in fantasy: take over lowly non-league side Salford City and transform them into a credible Football League institution with the lofty ambition of Premier League involvement at some point in their lifetime.

Whether they’ll reach that particular milestone remains to be seen, but it can’t be understated how fastidious the approach has been to take the club to where they are now.

Naturally, you can’t get there without ruffling a few feathers, and the football docuseries-makers at Sky have made sure that the viewer understands every single one of them. Right from changing the colours of the kits to bringing in new investment – some of the reactions are eye-opening to say the least – and help to shed a light on the personal side of non-league football.


What are you still doing here?

I mean, thank you for reading, but seriously.

Depending on which of these streaming services you have access to, I’m going to personally request that you leave Hobby FC and check out whichever one stands out to you the most.

Then tweet us when you’re here and return here every day. Deal? Deal.

Which of these football docuseries have you already seen?